Forecast…hot & hazy

I Haven’t posted in a while, hope to catch up next week. I’m spending a couple of weeks in my hometown of Louisville, KY, where it’s about 98 degrees, and humid as hell. Needless to say, I am really missing the Pacific Northwest right about now. Which is kind of funny, because when I’m at home I’m usually complaining about the rain and gray skies. I guess sometimes all you need to appreciate something is a little perspective…

~ by Jacque on June 18, 2010.

2 Responses to “Forecast…hot & hazy”

  1. This confirms it, the Seattle is out. I can’t have my hair getting all frizzy and messed up. (and that’s the exact reason I gave for not applying to a cool job in my field).

    • Yeah, it’s not really a hair-friendly city 🙂 Although, the summers are pretty rain free, and mild. Almost makes up for the rest of the year…

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